Rev: NEW                                                      Date:  02-June-2017                                                  Page:  3 of 4

      If, upon resolution with The Company's customer and Supplier, it is determined Counterfeit Part(s) were delivered to The Company

      said parts will not be returned and Supplier should not be paid for said parts.  The Company will dispose of the parts as directed by

      The Company's customer.  In absence of specific direction from The Company's customer, said Counterfeit Parts will be scraped

       and disposed at The Company.

10)  On Time Delivery

        Time is of essence in the performance of the PO.  The due date on the PO is the expected on-dock date for the product with required

        documentation (e.g., packing list, certifications, test reports, FAI's, etc.)  Supplier on-time delivery performance will be measured

        based on the date the product is delivered on-dock at The Company.

        Should The Company identify an negative trend in performance, The Company may request Corrective Action of the supplier.

11)   Packing and Preservation - Prevention of Foreign Object Damage/Debris (FOD)

        The Supplier should establish a program, as applicable, to prevent, detect, and remove foreign objects/debris of any product

        provided to The Company.

        The Supplier should package product in such a manner suitable for preservation and to prevent damage to the product from each 

        other (in the same box, container, etc.) or from normal handling and transport.

12)   Responsibility of Conformance to Design - Rejections

        Regardless of any inspection acceptance of delivered product or service by The Company, The Company's customer (or higher

        tier customer), the Supplier remains responsible to assure delivered product and or services complies with the designs and

        specifications to which the product or service was ordered.

        Should The Company reject any item from Supplier a Nonconformance Report will be created.  The Nonconformance Report will

        be sent to the Supplier for correction/rework/replacement of the rejected condition (if needed) as well as Cause and Corrective

        Action Investigation.

13)   Personnel Awareness

        Supplier will have program and/or training in place to assure supplier personnel are aware of

                    a.  Their contribution to product or service conformity.

                    b.   Their contribution to product safety (ref AS9100D 3.4 for definition).

                    c.  The importance of ethical behavior.