Rev:  NEW                                                                Date:  02-June-2017                                                       Page 4 of 4

14)   Force Majeure

        The Company and Supplier should advise the other party within 30 days of any event that is deemed a Force Majeure

        Event.  Neither Party should be responsible or liable nor be deemed to be in default on account of any breach of any

        obligation directly attributable to a cause that is at the same time compelling, unpredictable, unavoidable and beyond

        its control and not occasioned by its fault or negligence (Force Majeure Event).

        Following cessation of the Force Majeure Event and to the extent possible in anticipation thereof, the parties should

        resume the performance of their obligations under this Purchase Order.

        In the event Supplier fails to deliver or has informed The Company that it should not be able to deliver the Product on

        time due to a Force Majeure Event then the delivery of the Product should be suspended until such circumstances of the

        the Force Majeure Event have been adequately addressed.  The due date of Product should be extended by mutual

        agreement of the parties.  If, however, the Force Majeure Event causes delivery to be delayed more than thirty (30)

        days,  The Company will be entitled to cancel the Purchase Order in whole or in part without a further notice being required

        or judicial intervention and without incurring any liability whatsoever.

